Makeesha Eden


Area of expertise

I started my career in the insurance industry in the USA. During this time, I gained a lot of experience, knowledge and skills working with company executives, salespeople and customers alike. I then moved to Germany with my family and made the decision that although I am proud of these accomplishments, I now have the opportunity to pursue a new career path in an industry that is challenging yet rewarding. This decision led me to the doors of the consistency family.

As an assistant to the consistency team, I am responsible for expense management, invoicing and administrative support.

Being part of a team that is creative, committed and focused on a common goal keeps me motivated, especially in an ever-changing environment.

In my free time, I love spending time with my family, being outdoors in nature, doing sports, traveling and discovering new places.

“Be happy with what you have, while working for what you want”
Helen Keller

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