Why Scrum and Kanban are not a contradiction?

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Different starting points of KANBAN and SCRUM

Scrum and KANBAN are considered the most widely used agile methodologies. Organizations often ask themselves the question “Is Scrum or Kanban a better fit for us”? We at consistency know all too well the comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of each method. But we say – KANBAN and Scrum do not have to be in conflict with each other. It is not absolutely necessary to choose one or the other option already at the beginning of an agile organizational transformation, because they start at different levels. Whereas KANBAN initially aims to transparently present the as-is processes of a system, in Scrum essential change measures such as team assignments, role definitions and sprint lengths are expected from the teams right from the start.

KANBAN follows an evolutionary change approach. This means we start to transparently present existing processes and understand them together with all stakeholders. Our experience shows that this approach already identifies initial process bottlenecks and challenges that are the motivation for direct change.

Once an initial KANBAN system is established, the continuous improvement process begins immediately. KANBAN helps to identify process failures and to make the effects of improvement measures measurable. Unlike Scrum, it focuses on managing work rather than managing teams.

Scrum and Kanban – The best of both worlds

Both approaches pursue the continuous delivery of value-added results. Scrum focuses more on people and how they organize their work. So Scrum or elements from Scrum can help to improve processes within the KANBAN system. Examples are the adjustment of team compositions, improvement of communication and the definition of team roles.

This is the reason why we at consistency do not see Scrum and KANBAN as a contradiction. Rather, they complement each other and when combined can lead to even greater business success.

If you are interested in more information about KANBAN and Scrum, click here.

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